Each seller’s responsibility to source and sell only authentic products and to immediately deactivate any product that is in violation of our guidelines:
1. Items that apply a trademark (e.g. a brand or character logo) on the product, the product packaging, or anywhere in relation with the product, without authorization by the trademark owner.
2. Items that contain specific design elements (e.g. cartoon characters or colorways) protected by a trademark, without the authorization by the trademark owner.
3. Items that bear such similarities with other products that they are likely to deceive buyers into thinking they are made or sold by the owner of the other product's brand (e.g. a replica of a branded item with or without altered logos).
4. Items that are in violation of any local country laws in which they are sold
In case of doubt we advise you to talk to the manufacturer and/or distributor of the products, and to your legal advisors. ActiveShop will collaborate closely with brand owners, its customers and the authorities to prevent the sale of counterfeit items.
You may also refer this article for further information about Counterfeit and Prohibited items.